mercredi 24 août 2022


 Facebook a censuré un article dans lequel il était dit que la vaccination des femmes enceintes contre la Covid 19 provoquait des catastrophes et environ 20 % de fausses couches. J'avais bien pris soin d'indiquer que les auteurs n'étaient pas tous d'accord sur ce point. Mais les études (souvent financées par Pfizer ou Moderna) se gardaient bien de préciser des points très importants comme le moment de la grossesse où le "vaccin" était administré. Toute pensée critique aurait dû se poser au moins trois questions :

(a) Pendant combien de temps la protéine Spike (de pointe) produite par ces préparations à ARNm est-elle produite ? 

Après avoir affirmé qu'elle disparaissait en une quinzaine de jours, le CDC (Center for Disease Control) a supprimé le passage de son constat comme l'indique cet avertissement.

(b) La protéine Spike est-elle sans danger pour l'organisme ?

Comme, je l'ai déjà signalé sur FB à plusieurs reprises, il n'existe pratiquement AUCUNE étude sur la toxicité de cette protéine pour l'homme ou les animaux. Mais il en est une réalisée sur le poisson zèbre, un modèle animal très utilisé pour des études de physiopathologie, qui montre ceci :


Ventura Fernandes BH, Feitosa NM, Barbosa AP, Bomfim CG, Garnique AMB, Rosa IF, Rodrigues MS, Doretto LB, Costa DF, Camargo-Dos-Santos B, Franco GA, Neto JF, Lunardi JS, Bellot MS, Alves NPC, Costa CC, Aracati MF, Rodrigues LF, Costa CC, Cirilo RH, Colagrande RM, Gomes FIF, Nakajima RT, Belo MAA, Giaquinto PC, de Oliveira SL, Eto SF, Fernandes DC, Manrique WG, Conde G, Rosales RRC, Todeschini I, Rivero I, Llontop E, Sgro GG, Oka GU, Bueno NF, Ferraris FK, de Magalhães MTQ, Medeiros RJ, Mendonça-Gomes JM, Junqueira MS, Conceição K, Pontes LG, Condino-Neto A, Perez AC, Barcellos LJG, Júnior JDC, Dorlass EG, Camara NOS, Durigon EL, Cunha FQ, Nóbrega RH, Machado-Santelli GM, Farah CS, Veras FP, Galindo-Villegas J, Costa-Lotufo LV, Cunha TM, Chammas R, Carvalho LR, Guzzo CR, Malafaia G, Charlie-Silva I.Voici le résumé de cet article.Despite the significant increase in the generation of SARS-CoV-2 contaminated domestic and hospital wastewater, little is known about the ecotoxicological effects of the virus or its structural components in freshwater vertebrates. In this context, this study evaluated the deleterious effects caused by SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein on the health of Danio rerio, zebrafish. We demonstrated, for the first time, that zebrafish injected with fragment 16 to 165 (rSpike), which corresponds to the N-terminal portion of the protein, presented mortalities and adverse effects on liver, kidney, ovary and brain tissues. The conserved genetic homology between zebrafish and humans might be one of the reasons for the intense toxic effects followed inflammatory reaction from the immune system of zebrafish to rSpike which provoked damage to organs in a similar pattern as happen in severe cases of COVID-19 in humans, and, resulted in 78,6% of survival rate in female adults during the first seven days. The application of spike protein in zebrafish was highly toxic that is suitable for future studies to gather valuable information about ecotoxicological impacts, as well as vaccine responses and therapeutic approaches in human medicine. Therefore, besides representing an important tool to assess the harmful effects of SARS-CoV-2 in the aquatic environment.
Voici un autre article :Thiarlen Marinho da Luz 1Amanda Pereira da Costa Araújo 2Fernanda Neves Estrêla Rezende 1Abner Marcelino Silva 1Ives Charlie-Silva 3Helyson Lucas Bezerra Braz 4Paulo R S Sanches 5Md Mostafizur Rahman 6Damià Barceló 7Guilherme Malafaia 8

Despite advances in research on the vaccine and therapeutic strategies of COVID-19, little attention has been paid to the possible (eco)toxicological impacts of the dispersion of SARS-CoV-2 particles in natural environments. Thus, in this study, we aimed to evaluate the behavioral and biochemical consequences of the short exposure of outbred and inbred mice (male Swiss and C57Bl/6 J mice, respectively) to PSPD-2002 (peptide fragments of the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2) synthesized in the laboratory. Our data demonstrated that after 24 h of intraperitoneal administration of PSPD-2002 (at 580 μg/kg) the animals did not present alterations in their locomotor, anxiolytic-like, or anxiety-like behavior (in the open field test), nor antidepressant-like or depressive behavior in the forced swimming test. However, the C57Bl/6 J mice exposed to PSPD-2002 showed memory deficit in the novel object recognition task, which was associated with higher production of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, as well as the increased suppression of acetylcholinesterase brain activity, compared to Swiss mice also exposed to peptide fragments. In Swiss mice the reduction in the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the brain was not associated with increased oxidative stress biomarkers (hydrogen peroxide), suggesting that other antioxidant mechanisms may have been activated by exposure to PSPD-2002 to maintain the animals' brain redox homeostasis. Finally, the results of all biomarkers evaluated were applied into the "Integrated Biomarker Response Index" (IBRv2) and the principal component analysis (PCA), and greater sensitivity of C57Bl/6 J mice to PSPD-2002 was revealed. Therefore, our study provides pioneering evidence of mammalian exposure-induced toxicity (non-target SARS-CoV-2 infection) to PSPD-2002, as well as "sheds light" on the influence of genetic profile on susceptibility/resistance to the effects of viral peptide fragments.

Toute personne sensée devrait se demander si la production "vaccinale" de protéine spike peut produire ces effets dans la mesure où elle n'est pas éliminée rapidement.

(c) Le placenta est-il imperméable à la protéine spike ?

Cette question est évidemment capitale. Si la protéine spike produite par une femme enceinte qui vient d'être vaccinée traverse le placenta, et compte tenu de la petitesse de l'embryon, il est impossible d'exclure que la "vaccination" soit dangereuse.

Certes, il y a beaucoup d'études purement observationnelles sur cette question, et il n'est pas juste de les écarter. Mais tout de même, quand on met au point en un an un "vaccin" sans se préoccuper de ces questions, on peut se poser des questions sur la qualité scientifiques des chercheurs qui l'ont produit.

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